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about CR EXPO
September 12-14, 2025 China National Convention Center, Beijing

Language: CN EN JP

Welcome to China's largest care and rehabilitation expo with 50,000 visitors

Hangzhou RoboCT Technology Development Co.,Ltd

Category of Exhibits
  • Walking and Mobility Aids
  • Rehabilitation and Cure Facilities

Product Profiles

This product is used for patients with lower limb walking dysfunction caused by central neuropathy for walking rehabilitation training. By identifying the patient ID information, the length of legs can be automatically adjusted to match the characteristics of the patient, which helps doctors save much more time and energy. Moreover, with the function of intention detection, patients can learn and control the exoskeleton easily at their will. The new generation of intention detection further improves the design of mis-triggered touch. And metal support structure and joint Angle safety limit avoid leg long bone injury and joint sprain. The alarm of averting fall gait and dangerous posture, timely helps users adjust posture to guard against safety hazards.