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about CR EXPO
September 12-14, 2025 China National Convention Center, Beijing

Language: CN EN JP

Welcome to China's largest care and rehabilitation expo with 50,000 visitors

Hangzhou RoboCT Technology Development Co.,Ltd

Category of Exhibits
  • Walking and Mobility Aids
  • Rehabilitation and Cure Facilities

Product Profiles

People with lower limb motor dysfunction caused by central neuropathy can have a better rehabilitation training by using this product. Under personalized rehabilitation training, efficient functional reconstruction and compensation of the nervous system performed so as to improving the effect off rehabilitation treatment. Through training, the patient's leg muscle memory is repeatedly stimulated, wrong gait is corrected, spasm and muscle rupture are avoided, lower limb function is exercised, and internal circulation is promoted. And equipped with sensors and encoders at human knees and hips, the exoskeleton robot "reads" the user's intentions and combines sensor fusion technology with intelligent modeling algorithms to help the user walk.